I can’t connect to the Internet (Google Pixel) - GoMoWorld Skip to content

Trouble Shooting

I can’t connect to the Internet (Google Pixel)

Here are the steps you should check to ensure that your GoMoWorld plan is working properly and providing you with data connectivity on your Google Pixel device.


  1. Check your eSIM is enabled on your GoMoWorld App - if this is not activated you may see a purple banner advising you to turn on the GoMoWorld eSIM.

    To turn on your GoMoWorld eSIM, go to Settings, select Network and internet, click SIMs, select the GoMoWorld eSIM and turn on Use SIM.

Dual SIM screen

  1. That your roaming data is turned on for your GoMoWorld eSIM on your Google Pixel device. 

  • You can check by going to your - Settings, 
  • Select Network and Internet
  • Select SIMs
  • Select the GoMoWorld eSIM
  • Check that your Data roaming is turned on

Google Pixel Network and Internet

  1. If this is on but you still have no connectivity, please check the Access point names section.

Google Pixel Access Point Names Section

  • Your access point names should display as the following; 

Data Settings

  • If they do not display as the above, you will need to amend them. To amend the settings first you will need to click the + symbol

Access Point Names - click the plus symbol

  • You will need to input this information in these fields

Access Point Names details

  • Then Click save
  • Your GoMoWorld plan will now be ready to use.



Need Support?

At GoMoWorld, we're here to help. Email our care team today and we will respond to you within 24 hours (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays).

Alternatively, if you are a customer using the app, in the Settings you'll find the "Contact us" form.